Graves' Disease is an autoimmune disease where the thyroid is overactive, producing an excessive ammount of thyroid hormones . This is caused by thyroid autoantibodies that activate the TSH-receptor, thereby stimulating thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion, and thyroid growth . The resulting state of hyperthyroidism can cause a dramatic constellation (a group) of neuropsychological and physical signs and symptoms . Graves' Disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism (60-90% of all cases) and usually presents itself during midlife but also appears in children, adolescents, and the elderly . Graves' Disease has no cure, but treatments for its consequences are available . Mentally, Graves' Disease can be very disturbing . Mood swings, thinking impairment and other mental symptoms can be difficult to handle . The onset of Graves' Disease symptoms is ofter insidious, the intensity of symptoms can increase gradually for a long time before the patient is correctly diagnosed with Graves' Disease, which may take months or years . A hyperthyroid person will usually develop a preference for cold weather, a desire for less clothing and less bed covers, and a decreased ability to tolerate hot weather and may have excessive sweating, high pulse during sleep, and a pattern of weight loss with increase appetite .
Symptoms include : anxiety , irritability, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, hair loss, rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremor in hands or fingers, increase of sweating , sensitivity to heat, weight loss, enlargement of the thyroid gland, frequent bowel movements of diarrhea .
Side effects after RAI treament (I-131) include: sore throat, fatigue, lethargy, rash, hives, anemia and a reduction of white blood cells .
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