Don't Judge Me
Well before I go to sleep, I have one more issue to address . It mainly deals with school . Well in 2009-2011, before I knew I had Graves' Disease, my hair would fall out and I didn't know why, earlier this year, I found out that Graves' Diseases CAUSES HAIR LOSS . I was made fun of at school, people would call my bald-headed, touch my hair because it was short, laughed at me, and just talked about me in general . So in 2011 I started wearing weave in my hair, hoping that they would stop teasing me, I was wrong because it got even worse . They made fun of the type of hair I had my head because it wasn't this much amount of money, it wasn't this color, it wasn't this style, I got to the point where I was getting so upset and frustrated, I wanted to change schools and stay at home somedays . I would even pray to God crying asking Him to make them leave me alone . Some people are just so low and pathetic it makes no sense to me, why their around . I just felt so bad, sad, and pitiful about myself and asked God why He makes me go through what I go through, but then I realized, God has a plan for EVERYONE , you can choose to follow the path or choose your own, but i'm trying my hardest to follow the path He made for me . Before my treatment, my hair loss was so bad, I had bald spots and some of my edges were gone, I was ridiculed for having a disease . You wouldn't treat a cancer patient like that, so what's the difference . Your ALWAYS supposed to treat others how you want to be treated but it's this saying I've always remembered "God doesn't like any ugly, inflict hurt upon someone else and hurt will come back upon you ." But i'm happy to say that my hair is starting to grow back a month after my RAI treatment . All my bald spots are gone, my edges are back, but your can still see a few parts where my hair is shorter but by my God, it's growing ! My lesson of the day is don't judge someone based on their outer appearance because :
- You have no idea what they go home to everyday
- You don't know if they have a disease or disorder
- You don't know every detail about them and you never will
I've learned to stop judging because it's not right and it's not my job . I leave you with these thought while I ATTEMPT to sleep again . Sweet dreams, God bless you, and think about what your saying or doing, BEFORE you do it, you never know what the outcome will be or how they'll react, you'll never know so why risk it ?
Saturday August 4, 2012 4:14 a.m. CDT
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