Monday, June 17, 2013

Moving On, Letting Go

Well I gave up on that guy I've been talking about in these posts . I figured some things out & realized it just wasn't going to work between us . When I go to college later on this year i'm thinking about changing my major or double majoring in nursing and interior design . Today I realized how good at it I am & other people notice it too . It's self evident by my room lol . But anyways I think something might be off with my thyroid. I've started having hot flashes & sometimes I get into such deep sleeps I feel like I'm not going to wake up . I still have four more months until I visit my thyroid doctor so I won't know for sure until then . I hope everything is okay . Since going hypo, I've went from 162 pounds to 237 pounds . That's almost a hundred extra pounds I've put on . I used to love my body but now I absolutely hate it ... Anyways its after 4am & I should be sleep . Night everyone .
Quote of the Day: I wanted you back . I'm so through with that cause honestly you turned out to be the best thing I never had" . Beyonce - Best Thing I Never Had
Monday, June 17, 2013 4:13 a.m. CDT