Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New Me ?

I've been thinking about a lot since the New Year begun . First of all, I want to say that i'm sorry I haven't been on in awhile, I've been EXTREMELY busy lately . Since the year began, I went to my thyroid doctor & I have good news ! My thyroid levels are normal finally ! I started school on the 4th and it is a MESS . I have P.E. 1st block and it's so hard ! We've been doing these physical fitness tests to train for this test we have to do at the end of the semester. We run, do lunges, frog jumps, and a whole bunch of other stuff . I was SO sore from running and doing lunges, I couldn't walk right for a week ! My legs hurt so bad ! I had muscle cream all on them haha :) . 2nd block, I have English 12 and we have to prepare a presentaion and I have to present it tomorrow with my partner Breanna . We're doing it on Anglo-Saxons and Jutes, we have to have atleast 20 notecards and 3 sources . It was kind of a challenge at first but we're almost done, plus she's giving us 25 extra minutes to work on it before we present tomorrow . We have vocabulary tests every Friday but we haven't did much grammar this semester yet . 3rd block, I have enviromental science with Rafael ^_^, too bad he has a girlfriend now -_- . I guess I waited to long to tell him how I feel . All my fault, but anyways..... It's pretty easy but we have a test every week . We go over a section, take a quiz, then when we're done going over the section, he gives us a concept review and a active reading packet to help us with the test, then the test is the next day . No word bank though !!! :'( 4th block, I have clinicals . I go to a hospital decked out in my scrubs (GUCCI !!! lol) . I stay from 1:46 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. I'll be working in the radiology department and the emergency room . I still have All A's in my classes and i'm trying to keep All A's throughout my senior year . I don't know what college I want to go to yet but i'm considering this community college and it's right down the street from my house :) . I've done something every weekend this year so far and i'm trying to keep it that way . Last year all I did was stay in the house all the time and that was BORINNNNNNNGGGGGGG ! I want to party, dance, and go out like everyone else so I started doing that :) . I feel better since I've actually been going out . I went dress shopping and I found the PERFECT dress for prom (picture to the right) !  It fit just right but it's $433.82 with tax ... Yikes, I know . I'm trying to get a job so I can pay for it . I've applied at Burger King, McDonalds, Walgreen's and Chuck E. Cheese's . I also posted a job wanted ad on craigslist (sad I know) . I'm going to call back in a few days and check on my applications . I really hope someone gives me a job ! I've already gotten one reply on my craigslist post and i'm waiting on the person to say something back . I don't know where i'm going in life, but I know the only place i'm going is up ! Quote of the Day: "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams" -Dr. Seuss.
Monday, January 21, 2013 5:23 p.m. CDT